Week 7 – Artist Research

Heather Charnley

Heather is both a traditional artist and writer whose works focus on her own experiences of the spiritual world and her journey of self discovery. I chose to research somebody who explores these concepts as I have been focusing a lot on creating ‘spirits’ for my own works lately, and so am interested to see how someone else portrays a similar subject.

Heather is a deeply spiritual person, and thus her works tend to focus on the magic she sees in the world around her. Her use of bright colours and intruiging textures and shapes make her pieces seem out of this world, as if rooted in some other reality, and her occasional uses of faded, pastel colour pallets creates a sense that these scenes are hazy and slightly out of reach from our usual experience.

My work is generally based on meditations and dreams, and is my personal method of exploration into the nature of other realms through sensing and portraying the visual forms and qualities of energies in various places and states of being.

My themes are based on nature in its various aspects, such as the planets in our solar system, sacred sites and stone circles, cloudscapes, inspiring mountains, trees and water, crystals and the elemental kingdom.

Heather Charnley

Heather has produced many series of works on subjects such as the planets, spirits of nature and places of power from around her home in the UK, such as Stonehenge, for example. It’s thought by some that Stonehenge was created by the druids and used as a temple, and there are still yearly summer solstice festivals as the monument is still considered sacred to some modern day pagans.

What I enjoy about Heather’s works is how they so clearly represent a magical, supernatural world beyond our common senses through their unique, and usually soft, curved shapes. This softness to her work in terms of shapes, colours and textures also really adds to a friendly and homely atmosphere. Due to this, it’s quite clear that her works represent something sacred, supernatural and possibly religious.

For many of my previous works I have used overly bright colours, thick lineart and rough textures. Therefore, perhaps I’d like to experiment in some future pieces with switching this up and taking inspiration from her style instead.

Heather’s enchanting works have definitely inspired me to delve back into the previous vein I was looking at on Wicca, spirituality and supernatural escapism and its importance for people. After I’ve completed what I set out to this week, I think it would be interesting to continue working on witchcraft and subjects such as this.


Information taken from Heather’s official website, written by her : https://www.heathercharnleyspiritualart.co.uk/

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